upcoming shows



I found a picture from the sweet sweet logement in Antwerpen:

Just before we had to drop our instruments and run outside with the words "gasleak! Get outside!"

Next Friday we play together with Ray Omega at the Venue Landet in Hägersten in Stockhom. See you there. No smoke just gas.
In the meantime, check out www.logement.tk
Great people great stuff.



Show at Snövit last Saturday

Here is a review by Its a Trap!:

Axe, EL-SD & Karpis - Live @ Snövit, Stockholm, 10/24/09

There's a nice noise-hardcore-scene vibe going around Stockholm with some amazing bands gigging in basements and bars and such, under the radar of -- or underestimated by -- the established clubs; these bands are getting their gigs by themselves and getting together a group of friends in a hole in the ground serving beer. Anyone paying attention will recognize that most members tonite are the usual suspects and this one featured, among others, members of Traktor, Emerson Fittipaldi, Seven Feet Four and Bruce Banner, on stage and in the audience.

Axe kicked off the night with some ferocious hardcore-noise-punk in the vein of Brick and that old hardcore band from Sigtuna that I can't remember the name of right now. They were really cool. They've got hooks! Check out their myspace and you'll see what I mean (the song "Firmafest" is an amazing stand-out!). They also are not afraid to go mid-tempo for some noise-intensity. The live-experience was great, yet lacking some volume and conviction, but hopefully they'll iron this out. If they do, this band will be a force to be reckoned with.

El-SD were a bit more heady, recalling early Unwound, Sonic Youth, even early Quagmire (!) as well as sporting "Yank crime"-era Drive Like Jehu song lengths. I was blissing out ofc, with the amazing gzzz-ing and no-wave picking guitars of David Fried right in front of me and bumping into Frippe going crazy wielding the bass. Good shit, this.

Karpis went metal on me, taking noise-rock down drop-tuning with growling even. They were bringing it, but I was kind of done unfortunately, trying to flirt, drink beer and stuff instead. I'll catch more of your set next time guys, promise!

So, fellow travelers, when in Stockholm, I humbly suggest you forgo established venues, constantly applying the one-size-fits-all-indie-dancefloor after every damn concert, for the basement jovial hardcore-scene-experience. Get your promille up and cheer for your new-found favourite underground band! You can even pogo a bit if u'd like.
- Mathias Rask-Andersen


A big THANK YOU people for the show last Saturday. We had a blast!


Reviews and Videos


















Hello People!

Yes, we got some nice mice news.

A guy we know as Jon Skoog has talked and played himself into the band. With great enthusiasm he will now on join us and contribute our sound with percussion, keyboards, guitars and other cool stuff. Jon is from Malmö and is 50% of the lovely Stilstudion, the other 50% is our drummer Martin Senter. The studio is not in Malmö but in the West Wood. Tomorrow at Snövit will be his fist appearance with EL-SD and you don't want to miss that do you?

We've got a new show in Stockholm!
Friday the 13th of november, we will share the stage with the fabulous band called Ray Omega from Berlin. Yeah some of them are swedes and yes some of them are nice friends of us. The sweet place where it's at is called Landet and it's not very far from my house so that's double sweet.

We're making new songs, really good new songs, so we are not releasing an EP now cause our focus is on a fullength this spring instead. Do you want to release, give us money or help us out in any ways just give us a line...a mail.

Ja det var det och så det sista:
Come and hang out with us tomorrow... by the way, Culkin is the best band in the world right now!



Spelning Show Konsert Show


Vi lever och vi spelar tillsammans med AXE och KARPIS nu på Lördag den 24.e Oktober på stället SNÖVIT som ligger på RINGVÄGEN vid SKANSTULL i STOCKHOLM.
Kan tänka mig att första band börjar spela klockan 21.


Vi ses!



fler bilder ifrån gröningen denna gång av den vackra holländskan. bilder ifrån le havre, epinal och freiburg borde dyka upp om ett tag och även minst två filmer...från frenzi-paris.

Vi har verkligen inte haft tid att fixa det här med bloggen. Nästa turne lovas det att vi berättar om vyerna, dofterna, vibbarna, musiken, stoner-banden etc etc men just nu så orkar jag iaf inte det. vi har en massa att berätta. men vi fixar det senare.


Ha ha ha! helt otroligt spelning ikvall den hade allt genialiska taffliga band; gubbar som spelade stoner i fem ar typ. senter protesterar mot allt just nu och forsoker sova pa golvet:::ja just det var spelning brots i mitten av en...........GASLACKA!!!!! helt otroligt askul tyckte jag. groningen var en mkt fin plats fina manskor och oh samma i antwerpen. har ar en lank till bilderifran groningen spelningen:::: http://www.flickr.com/photos/viadukt/sets/72157616261393301/

nu ska Livra och Phillipe sova sa coolt och allt puss hej bussen gar sakta men sakert in i varat kollektiva system KALLE ATER KATRINPLOMMON FOR ATT HAN INTE KAN BAJSA!

puss hej


Asså, jag har suttit i sex timmar sträck och räknat och plottat och valutaomvandlat och forskat och funderat och slutligen konstaterat.... den här turnens diesel och resa kommer som minst kosta 5790:-. med tanke på att det är över 600 mil så börjar jag känner mig mkt nöjd med den siffran och det vrider inte alls på nåt konstig sätt att det är omöjligt att det är den siffran men va fan va fan. börjar lacka rejält. huvet asså. fan asså.

På det positiva så har bandet gjort 2 nära till 100% klara låtar.... de heter Hornstull och Sovsovsov.
Riktningen heter 'vi sjunger på svenska som povel ramel' och vi är nästan helt unisont mycket begeistrade över dessa atonala mardrömmar.

tips: köp tur och retur med helsingborg-Helsingör-Rödby-Puttgarden så sparar ni 100:-. sjukt värt. och broarna ner kostar i tull totalt 685:- och det är typ 40 mil av danmark att åka igenom innan man är i tyskland....40mil...låter futtigt.

/fried david


Honestly! isn't this the most beautiful thing you've ever seen! GOOD!



It has finally happened, we have gotten a gig in a town that i've never ever heard of.
I like that a lot.


Death might be the outcome, it might not. EL-SD can only deliver Jerry Lee Lewis or Roy Orbison impersonations however we will have more songs to play and maybe a few surprises, no idea.

Jay Reatard is excellent...Lost Sounds was enormous.
Mojomatics seem nice and one song that i like is very epic...i like italians who are epic.

- Vi syns i graven typ vid fem i tre.


Show me Shows

We will show you a show at:

27-03-2009, Debaser Slussen W/ Jay Retard, the Mojomatics, Stockholm, Sweden
11-04-2009, Club Adorno at Lades W/USAISAMONSTER, Copenhagen, Denmark

We are looking for shows so give us a line.


From the top

Let’s take it from the start with some sort of enchanted biography here. We are a band with members who all have enjoyed the practice of music a long time and played with bands like Talking to Drake, Emerson Fittipaldi, UNA-Bombers, Seven Feet Four, Grupprum 12 and Wolves of the River. After a while in the lab we found our right members and mood to make a working mixture. And at this point two years after the original creation we have grown to fit in the beautiful gown we’ve always wanted to play in. Our music is about whats not around us, or maybe the other way around. We build our band around the feeling that you get when you’ve put a part, a beat or a entire song together. It’s an immense feeling you get when you’ve put a ’awesome’, ’kickass’ song together and we try to use that feeling for more than just having it.

